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Diary Entries

July Entries


Hi all, sorry it's been a bit since I last did anything on here. I've been so tired lately after work and I've been dealing with a few personal things. This entry might be much shorter than the last because I worked today and am quite sleepy lol.

Honestly, not a lot has happened since I last posted here. I did end up going to the thing my coworker invited me to and it was a lot of fun! I do really miss going out to do things with friends and I'm hoping maybe I can spend time with this group every now and again. They're a fun bunch and most of them work in the library system or at the library I work out which is a plus for sure. Not to pat myself on the back but I do feel a bit proud of myself when I do try to make connections as an adult. It's rough!

I've also been getting closer to another coworker who I will for now call a friend. I'm so hesitant to do that most of the time because in the past I've seen someone as a friend and they have ended up not feeling the same. But, I remain hopeful!! I've also been working on finishing my current degree. I am like, three assignments away from being done with college (for a while--maybe even forever!!!!!).

Other than that, not much has been going on. It's been soooo hot lately but we got some rain the other day. But now it's muggy... At least it's not so hot lol. I want to go swimming soon because it's finally hot enough that the pool isn't too cold for me but it's been way too hot to even go out there for more than 10 minutes, so that's been on hold. Maybe when my girlfriend visits we can go for a dip :)

Well, that's about it from me! Hopefully I can get some more work on this site done once I get some big projects for school out of the way. It's more likely that it won't be until the 2nd week of August until I can get back to this. But I have some fun ideas planned for my shrines and I'm hoping I can use this diary for sharing my thoughts about stuff I watch/play/etc. Until then, stay safe and as always, thanks for reading! ♥


Woof. My first entry! Forgive the typos, I am, I admit, a little bit high. I always cringe whenever I write, or honestly, read diary entries of mine, but what the hell. I want to give this a try and I'm kind of really in need of something to distract myself. Those of you who know me know that I've been going through a lot of really difficult stuff lately. Honestly I hit rock bottom a while ago and have been skidding across it ever since. I do feel like I am maybe starting to go back up if only because I've told myself I have to. I want to live a better life and a happier life full of joy and peace. I know I know, that's insanely cheesy. But if cheesy works then cheesy be I.

Because of how hot it's been outside, I haven't been doing much outside of the house anyways. For the past few months, all I've done is go to work, come home, do homework, and then sit in bed. I kind of don't have the energy for anything else? Which reminds me. There's something coming up that I was invited to but I don't know anyone going other than the person who invited me, so I'm not sure if I feel up to going. I should connect with more people, but I'd rather I get to know a person before hanging out even if it's in a group of other people. I just don't want them to take it personally because it isn't. It's just my social anxiety fighting me tooth and nail once again.

On a brighter note, I've been checking out a lot more books from the library I work in. I have missed reading so much and I see a lot of super cool books when I'm at work that I haven't made time to check out. It's mostly been sci-fi novels but they've been interesting so far. One is in the Imperial Radch series by Ann Leckie. I wasn't into it until I want to say one-third of the way through but it hooked me! Another is in the Muderbot series by Marsha Wells, which I'm also really enjoying. Both are hitting the sci-fi itch I've been having lately.

Well, that's about it for now! Thanks for reading all of that if you did. Here's hoping I stick to making more posts for this! I really am enjoying it. Bye bye for now :]

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